Are you looking for the best mortgage forms for your needs? Do you want the process of filling out forms for your mortgage to be as simple and straightforward as possible? Those are just some of the reasons that we started Doss Docs. We wanted to be able to make the process easy, to automate mortgage document creation to the best extent possible. Those are just some of the reasons that people looking for the right loan have chosen Doss Docs for many years.
What Our Mortgage Forms Don’t Have?
It may seem odd to start a blog about our mortgage documents laying out what they don’t have, but frankly, we’re quite proud of what you won’t find here at Doss Docs. Specifically, you won’t have to sign some required contract. Moreover, you won’t have to deal with any unnecessary fees, either: there are no annual fees, setup fees, redraw fees, and more. That way, all you have to do is to pick the best docs for your situation – that’s it.
Forms to Fit Your Needs
At Doss Docs, one of our goals is to have long-term, returning customers, people who come to us time and time again for their loan documentation. So, we provide forms and packages that can be customized to meet their exact needs. For one, our customized packages can be right for up to ten investors. That way, you can find a package for you and your group. Beyond that, our forms are “pay as you go”, too. We only believe in providing you with as much as you need, never “upselling you” or anything of that nature, so as to get you to pay for anything you don’t need. Indeed, our docs have been coded to delete anything your loan does not need, so as to be further customized.
How Our Mortgage Forms Make Things Easier
We understand that the mortgage process can seem, at times, onerous. That’s just one more reason we want to make it even easier. So, you’ll get instant delivery when you use Doss Docs. No waiting around. Moreover, all input is done online, so you don’t have to worry about mailing anything in, explaining something to someone over the phone, and so forth. Plus, there’s a summary on the first two pages, so that you know everything you need to know upfront before you start completing the form.
A Better Process for Loan Docs
Those are just some of the ways that our Doss Docs stand out amongst the rest. Of course, perhaps what separates us the most is our quality. Designed by Doss Law, LLP (America’s premier tax law firm for more than four decades), these forms have been proven to help time and time again. To see all of the documents that we offer, come to our site. Or, for more info, you can reach us at (800) 779-1362.